Italian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls #2

Like many dishes, Italian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls can be made in a variety of different ways. I grew up loving love my Mom's Cabbage Rolls, but this recipe is a nice alternative. Since I enjoy trying different varieties of food, I though it was time to try to put together an Italian version.
What makes this recipe tasty and delicious are the combination of well seasoned ground beef, veal and pork. I usually use just ground beef when I make cabbage roll, but by using three different meats you will take this recipe takes to the next level of flavor. In my Mom's recipe regular green cabbage to create this dish but for the Italian I use Savoy cabbage which is sweeter and milder in flavor than green cabbage.
The sauce for the Italian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is plain and simple. The combination of tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce and beef broth cooked with the seasoned cabbage rolls createds a create a light flavorful sauce. Enjoy!
1 large head of green or Savoy cabbage
1/2 pound of ground beef
1/2 pound of ground veal
1/2 pound of ground pork
1 cup of long grained rice, uncooked
1/2 stick of butter, melted
1 cup of fresh parsley, chopped
2 small eggs
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 Tbls of Worcestershire sauce
Small can of tomato sauce
1 tsp of fresh ground black pepper
1 tsp of salt
1/2 tsp of paprika
1 yellow onion, chopped
2 15oz cans of chicken broth
1 28oz. cans of diced tomatoes
1 tsp of oregano
1 tsp of basil
Core the center of the cabbage
Carefully place the cabbage in a large pot of boiling water.
Remove the outer leaves as they become tender being careful not tear them.
You will need around 16 cabbage leaves
In a large bowl mix together the meat, rice, butter, parsley, eggs, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce, salt, pepper and paprika.
Start to pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees.
Take a handful of meat and roll it into a small log.
Roll the meat up in the cabbage leaves while tucking the sides of the cabbage on the inside.
Repeat until all the cabbage and meat is used up.
Place a lining of extra cabbage leave in the bottom of a casserole dish.
Layer the bottom of the dish with the onions and half the tomatoes
Sprinkle the tomatoes with some of the basil and oregano.
Place a layer of cabbage rolls on top and repeat with the onions and tomatoes.
Add the broth and cover with any remaining leaves.
Cover the casserole dish and bake for 1 hour.
Check to see if it’s dry or not. If so add some more tomatoes and broth.
Cover and cook for one more hour.
Serves 6 to 8 people
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