Great Chicago Italian
Coffee and Espresso

Italian coffee is the essence of Italy. Since its introduction to Venice in the sixteenth century, Italians have been noted for there love of strong black coffee. The first coffee shop opened in Venice in 1640. After that, shops sprang up throughout Milan, Florence, Naples and Rome and among many other cities in Italy. By 1763 Venice alone had around 215 coffee shops.
Italy’s coffee has become an important part of Italian culture and everyday living. Even though coffee is not grown in Italy, it is roasted in various regions. Of course, each region boasts to having the best.
Brewing coffee has become an art form. Making regular coffee, espresso or cappuccino has evolved to a new level. The types of beans you use, the type of coffee or espresso maker you use and water temperature you use are all important factors in making a perfect cup of coffee.
Here are a few terms describing the various types of Italian coffee.
Caffé is simply a small cup of strong
coffee or an espresso.
Caffé Americano is American style coffee served in a large cup and is weaker than espresso.
Caffé Corretto is simply any type of espresso or coffee with liquor. My favorite is Sambuca Romano after dinner.
Caffé Doppio is a double espresso.
Caffé Freddo is delicious iced coffee great on a hot summer day.
Caffé Hag is decaffeinated coffee which does me no good at all.
Caffé Latte is hot milk mixed with coffee.
Caffé Macchiato is espresso with a drop of hot milk.
Caffé Marocchino is espresso with a drop of hot milk and sprinkles with cocoa powder.
Caffé Stretto is simply espresso with less water which is very very strong.
Cappuccino is espresso infused with steamed milk.
This list should give you a good idea of what to order when you are at your favorite café. Copy it, reduce it and keep it with you at all times.
Also, here are some great Italian coffee and espresso recipes for you to try at home.
Italian Coffee Recipes
Great coffee recipes to start or end your day.

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