Italian Dinner Music

What goes better with Italian food and wine than Italian Dinner Music. When I write, when I cook and when I eat, I listen to Italian music. It’s such an important part of Italian cuisine and culture that it would be a sin not to touch briefly on the subject. When I think of Italian music while growing up in Chicago, I was bombarded by Italian-American artists like Louie Prima, Jerry Vale, Dean Martin, Sergio Franchi, Vic Damone, Julius LaRosa and Jimmi Roselli, just to name a few. Everywhere I went Italian music would follow. If I go to my one Aunts house, Jerry Vale or Connie Francis would be playing on the stereo. My Grandmother's house was always filled with the sounds of Caruso, Lanza and Pavarotti. In all the bars and lounges were Sinatra, Martin and Louis Prima. In my home Mom always played Montovoni, Al Martino and Henry Mancini records. And my favorite when I was a kid was Lou Monte’s Pepino the Italian Mouse whose lyrics are here just in case anybody forgot the words. I would play this album over and over again until I drove the neighbors crazy.
Either it was Italian music or music by Italian artists. Very rarely did any member of the family stray and listen to something else. Whether we were cooking or eating, music was always an essential part of any Italian meal. It always put you in the mood for food.
I wasn’t going to add this section but I realized it’s such an important part of Italian-American culture and cuisine that I decided to open another Amazon astore to offer you some of the greatest selections of Italian music available on the net.
This is the type of music to be enjoyed by all. Cook to it, drink to it and eat to it.
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