by Ann Minard
(Duncan, SC)
La Genovese is a bit of a mystery because it does not come from Genoa but from Naples and some even say that this is one of Naples best kept secrets! Pasta Genovese is in fact one of the highest praised dishes to come out of the Neapolitan housewife's kitchen and this recipe in particular is worthy of my praise because it comes out of my Nonna's kitchen!
Every time I make this dish I can picture My Nonna Flora showing my Mother how to cook her son's favorite meal in her tiny kitchen on a cast iron two burner cook top in Naples, Italy. I feel honored to have this very special recipe from my sweet Nonna Flora who is now in her late 90's still living in Naples and whom I have only met in person twice.
In person I have only known her as an older lady with crippling arthritis and a memory going but through these recipes, family stories, and old photos I feel like I have met and known the younger, beautiful, kind, and just a bit feisty Flora Cerino Casolaro.
Flora Cerino was born in the city of Naples, Italy August 6 of 1918. Her Mother died young and so Flora was sent to a special school to learn the skills she would need in order to be a wife and Mother there discovering her real talent being in dress making. For years until arthritis stole away her two joys, cooking & sewing, she made every piece of clothing she wore.
Upon graduating she met my Nonno Gaetano Casolaro a hair dresser at a beauty salon in downtown Naples, Italy. They married when she was only 17 and they moved to Casoria, a small town just outside of Naples.They rented an apartment above a shop where my Nonno ran a hair salon. Flora was known for her talented cooking and unmatched seamstress skills.
My Zia Antonietta says she was very gentle, kind, and quite friendly. But she also had a bit of an ornery side, she was known to carry the key to the pantry around her neck and no none was allowed to get anything with out her permission! I also remember seeing her give my Dad an Italian Hand Gesture on more than one occasion : ) Love it!
My mother who recently wrote down memories of her first visit to Italy and she had this to say of my Nonna Flora:
During the day when Andrea was at work I spent quite a bit of time with Mama Flora learning to cook or sew or make patterns or darn socks, etc. all the usual wifely duties. I never ceased to be amazed at the quality and the taste of the food Mama Flora managed to produce out of that primitive kitchen with just a cast iron 2-burner cook top and one big pot and one small pot and one stirring spoon and one knife.
Nona Flora was, without exaggeration, the greatest cook I have ever encountered in my life to this day.
How thankful I am for this precious recipe. I just love how treasured family recipes like this can almost magically connect us directly to our past.
Pasta Genovese: Nonna Flora Casolaro
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