Italian Wine Glossary
Italian Wine Glossary
Here is a whole bunch of Italian wine terminology and wine terminology in general to help you understand the complex world of wines. I know I’m learning quite a bit.
Abboccato - Lightly sweet, Semi-dry.
Acitic - A vinegar like taste.
Acidity - Wines that contain acids.
Amabile - Semi-sweet wines usually referencing sparkling wines.
Amaro - Bitter.
Annata - The wine’s vintage year.
Appellation - French system regulating authenticity.
Asciutto - Totally dry.
Astringent - High in tannin.
Azienda agricola - A winery which also produces other products besides the grapes used under it’s label.
Balance - A relative degree of fruity quality, acidity, tannins and alcohol.
Bianco - White wine.
Botte - Barrel or cask.
Botticella - Small cask.
Bottiglia - Bottle
Bouquet - Complex aromas.
Bricco - Refers to the top of the hill Piedmontese dialect and is used to indicate particularly prestigious vineyards.
Brut - Dry sparkling wine.
Cantina - Winery or cellars.
Cantina sociale - A cooperative winery.
Casa vinicola A wine merchant whose wines come from mainly purchased grapes.
Cascina - Farmhouse used for estate wines.
Cerasuolo Cherry hued rose wines.
Chiaretto - Deep rose wines.
Classico - The limited area within the confines of a particular D.O.C. zone.
Coltivatore - Cultivator
Cooked - Prunish flavor.
Dolce - Sweet.
Dry - Opposite of sweet.
Enoteca - A wine library.
Etichetta - Label
Fattoria - A town with its own production facility.
Fermentazione naturale - Natural fermentation.
Fiasco - Straw cased bottle used by Chianti producers.
Frizzante - Fizzy
Frutta - Fruit
Frutta di bosco - Fruits of the forest such as blackberries, strawberries and raspberries.
Green - Wine made from unripe grages.
Gradazione alcoolica - The percentage of alcohol in a wine.
Honeyed - Wines with a slight hint of honey flavor.
Imbottigliata - Bottled
Imbottigliata dal Produttore All‘orgin - Bottled by the producer at the source.
Imbottigliata dalla Cantina Sociale - Bottled by a cooperative winery.
Invecchiato - Aged wine.
Length - The lingering aftertaste of the wine.
Liquoroso - A strong wine sometimes fortified.
Litro - Liter
Madeiruzed - Oxidized with a brownish color and stale oder.
Maso - A vineyard or estate
Masseria - A farm or estate
Metodo Classico or Tradizionale - A term used in making sparkling wine.
Millesimato - a vintage for sparkling wine.
Nero - Black.
Noble - A classification of grapes that produceCabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon and Reisling.
Nose - Aroma.
Nutty - A nutlike aroma.
Oaky - An aroma from aged oak casks
Oxidized - Spoiled form too much air.
Passito - Wines mad from partially dried grapes.
Podere - A small wine estate of farm.
Produttore - Producer
Recioto - Wines made from dried grapes in the style of passito.
Riserva - A D.O.C. or D.O.C.G. aged for more than three years.
Ronco - A Fiulan term indicating a hillside vineyard,
Rosato - Rose’wine.
Rosso - Red.
Scelto - Selected late harvested D.O.C. wines.
Secco - Dry white wine.
Semi-Secco - Semi-Sweet.
Sommelier - A specialist in selecting and serving wine,
Sori - Used in Piedmont for a hillside vineyard with a certain favorable.
Sparkling - Wine containing carbonation.
Sulpher - An anti-oxidant introduced in some wines in small amounts.
Spumanti - Dry or Sweet Sparkling wines.
Stabilimento - Firm.
Superiore - Indicates D.O.C. wine that meets standards above normal requirements.
Sweet - Having residual sugar from fermintation.
Tenimento - Farm.
Uva - A dried grape to be used for wine.
Vecchio - Describes aged D.O.C. wines.
Vendemmis - Late harvest.
Vigna - Vineyard
Vignaiolo - Term for grape grower.
Villa - Manor
Vinificazion - Vinification
Vino - Wine
Vino da Tavolo - Table wine.
Vino Novello - Wines in Italy that are sold after one month.
Vin Santo - Wines made from grapes dried on straw mats.
Vino da Tavolo - Table wine.
Vintner - A winemaker
Vite - Vine.
Viticulture - The art and science of winemaking.
Vitigno - Vine or grape variety.
Vivace - Lightly bubbly wines.
Woody - Having the aroma or taste of an aging barrel.
Yeasty - Smelling like yeast.
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